Enjoy these fun moments from the week in BRC, 2016
- Earth Guardian camp – 2016
- Bee and Jai trying to escape the clutches of the giant octopus
- Our Aztec Dancers enjoying a sunset after their Earth Dance
- Ms Tulip, Jim and Cathy behind the EG bar
- Kearce, Cooper, Bilbo, Kimber, Zobec, Lorax, Jai, Tim, Bee and Electra on burn day
- Cathy, our Grill Cheese making champion celebrating her win!
- Pamella supporting our compliance rangers
- Laura, Lava Nava and Martin at the bar
- Martin, our resident robot!
- Cathy and Jim bartending
- Jai and Bee being super
- Happy LNT outreach volunteers
- Eric and Andrew
- Ann and EGAD (Kathy) enjoying the evening
- Lava Nava