Bandana and MOOP Bag Silkscreening – May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024 ! –  Volunteer Get-together, Silkscreening, Fabric Painting and MOOP Bag Sewing Bee: 10 am!

Hey volunteers!

Time to make MOOP bags!

We’ll be getting together again to make MOOP bags!    The more the merrier.   Bring sewing machines to help with the bags and food to share.  All campers are expected to come to one of our workshops or bring bags to the playa to share!

  • What: We will be finishing MOOP bags for Burning Man
  • Chance to meet other EG volunteers
  • We’ll share food, drinks and ideas about our camp and volunteer teams.
  • When: 10 am-4pm
  • Address: 2523 Westernesse Rd., Davis, CA 95616

One Comment:

  1. Hello –

    Is your June 15th ! – Bandana and MOOP Bag Silk Screening Workshop: open to all burners?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you!

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