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Since the Activities and Alternative Energy Demo Garden shifts are still relatively new teams, we wanted to explain what they are all about and maybe entice you to sign up for one of them.

Geology Talk
Right now we have shifts available for both teams all week! Here are more details!
Activities Shifts
The activities shifts involve getting ready for pavilion events by introducing speakers, and setting up for them, etc. This is a fun job for people that don’t mind introducing people and interacting with an audience. We will have a sheet for each shift that explains exactly what will need to be done and what needs to be said for the introductions, so each activity shift person will just need to follow instructions on the shift sheet.
Most shifts are 9-noon, noon-3, 3-6 or 6-9. You might want to review the activities scheduled for each day and pick the activities that you were hoping to check out anyway! You’ll get the meet the speaker! You can sign up for shift you are interested in on shiftboard here.
Alternative Energy Demo Garden

Waiting for cookies
The Alternative Energy Demo Garden is a feature outside the Earth Guardian pavilion. It consists of alternative energy devices. We have a Black Rock Solar installation, a gray water wind treatment device, a DIY solar oven and two commercial solar oven and rocket stoves. The volunteer will stand at the tables with these devices and explain them to people passing by and those who come to see them. You also will be cooking cookies in the solar ovens and serving them to people.
The shifts to staff the “garden” are 12-3 starting Monday and this should be a fun way to interact with people: explaining alternative energy devices, baking some cookies and offering them to people . There will be pre-made cookie dough and instructions for what to do and what can be said about the stoves. This was very fun last year and a great project for getting the word out and getting people used to switching over to solar and wind energy.
We have shifts available on Monday – Saturday from 12-3.
Solar power and other alternative power sources are definitely the way of the future. People are becoming more conscious of their power requirements and the effect that it has on the earth.